
Tiny Vipers Life On Earth (Sub Pop)
There is something hypnotic about Life On Earth, from its bleak yet startling artwork to the dreamy folk songs within. Tiny Vipers is the alias for Seattle based singer-songwriter Jesy Fortino and the eleven tracks here are a long way from the city’s heavy rock heritage. In fact it sounds almost like a sister to Sun Kil Moon’s 2008 album, ‘April’, which was similarly full of nostalgic, wispy laments. Like Sun Kil Moon, Fortino’s strength lies in her ability to write long songs which remain captivating throughout and although the album’s length at sixty five minutes may be too much for some people, for others it simply won’t be enough. The almost eerie title track at ten minutes long stands out as a prime example of Fortino’s ambition and after Fleet Foxes and Blitzen Trapper, sums up another Sub Pop success.
Michael B.
Tiny Vipers On This Side