
Espers - Espers III (Wichita)
Espers have quietly built up a loyal following without getting the sort of attention (well, at least commercially) other acts in the new folk scene have garnered; hopefully 'III' will go some way to changing that. The Philadelphia group's sound has been fleshed out on this, their third album proper, with the move from a trio to a five-piece band. Essentially this means a fuller sound, with bass, drums and electric guitars being more prevalent than on previous albums. But we're still in the same musical realm - delightful chamber pop and slightly frazzled acid folk, all shot though with effortlessly melodic arrangements and song-writing that make 'III' just delightfully enjoyable as its two predecessors. The hazy vocals of Greg Weeks still recall Pink Floyd's David Gilmour (and it's hard not to think of the early 70s Floyd at their most simple and sedate on certain Espers tracks), and contrast effectively with the pristine evocative beauty of Meg Baird's vocals. 'Colony' - a foreboding piece of Wickerman-esque swirling psych-rock - is particularly memorable, but the whole album is a beguiling listen from start to end.
Review originally published by CMU Music Network: www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk