
Rebekah Pulley - Back To Boogaloo (Lucky Bird)
Like Toni Price in Texas, Rebekah is a highly regarded musical treasure in Florida. With this release she may become more of a national one. The album kicks off with a tight groove laden killer track "I'm Not Your Girlfriend Anymore". However the rest of the album showcases a wide range of styles from the chugging boogie country / rockabilly of "Parade" to the duet with Ronny Elliott on "Tumbleweed", that is unashamedly Americana. She has the ability to wrap a barbed lyric in a pretty tune and this is shown to great effect on "Jack". It is more jazzy than folk in places, and there are faint nods to her heroes Joni Mitchell and Rickie Lee Jones. For a new artist to UK listeners, this is definitely worth taking a gamble on. www.rebekahpulley.com
Steve O.