
Catie Curtis - Sweet Life (Compass)
This is the ninth C.D. for this American singer songwriter and it’s a quality album from a quality label. On the accompanying blog with the CD it says Catie set out to make a positive record, to counter balance the negativity of the world at the moment. Well she achieved that, and then some! The songs just are so catchy or atmospheric in equal measures. From the opening, up tempo title track "Are You Ready To Fly" to my favourite, the beautiful and restrained "Everything Waiting To Grow", to the soul groove of "For Now" it works. It passed my play it in the car test with flying colours - I didn't flick on any of the tracks. If you like Shawn Colvin, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and especially Kim Richey, you will love this album. Highly recommended. http://compassrecords.com
Steve O.