
Tori Amos - Midwinter Graces (Universal/Island)
Tori Amos' decision to make a Christmas album could have ended in one of two ways: disaster, or graceful success. Given Ms Amos' reputation of such grace, it, of course, concluded with the latter. Perhaps that title was decided with something in mind. 'Midwinter Graces' is classic Tori - emotional, elegant and powerful. Her talent for songwriting shines through the hard ice of the atmosphere the album builds, and those beautiful and quirky signature vocals are at their strongest and very best as Amos reworks some of the most universally renowned Christmas carols as well as creating a few new ones of her own that are no less breathtaking. Recorded in our very own Cornwall, where she now lives, 'Midwinter Graces' has a classic, wistful loveliness to it, and, while it may be the kind of album one only breaks out during the winter months, it hasn't restricted itself to merely Christmas. Instead of focusing on the holiday itself, it's a reflection of frost and snow, which, and certainly for Britain, can extend for quite some time. It's a seasonal album, but it's also a relevant one, and a worthy contender for one of Amos' best efforts to date.
Review originally published by CMU Music Network: www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk