
Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs (Warners / Atlantic)
It started to get confusing when “indie” became a sales demographic rather than, at best, a fact of life or, at the very least, a state of mind. Death Cab For Cutie are an indie band signed to the second biggest record label in the world. There had been much talk prior to the release of Narrow Stairs. Experimentation was the new buzzword and its release was to herald in a new dawn for a band that some felt were getting a little stale. There has been some progress. They’re certainly displaying increased chutzpah - lead single “I Will Possess Your Heart” may not stand up to repeated spins, but it’s difficult not to admire the audacity of releasing an 8 minute track, of which over half the playing time is an extended intro. The album’s opening blast, the clamorous “Bixby Canyon Bridge” is a freewheelin’ statement of intent - raw yet focused - and “Long Division” is pure power pop for folks who don’t like that sort of thing. Are labels (small “l”) still important in music? Definitely less so than they used to be. It doesn’t really matter who Death Cab For Cutie are signed to as long as they continue to push themselves and make music that is worthwhile. Narrow Stairs isn’t a classic, but it has its moments. That’s probably all we can ask from a band with six or seven albums under their belt.
Rob F.
Past Reviews: March 07, April 07, May 07, June/July 07, Sept/Oct 07, Dec07, Jan08, Feb 08, Mar 08