
Chewy Marble - Modulations (Side B Music)
I’ve not reviewed (or heard) a Chewy Marble album since their debut release, back in 1997. There’s no mistaking it’s the same band - Beatles pop provided inspiration then as it does now - though they’ve acquired a certain maturity as songwriters, and the production on this latest effort is crisp and in parts, almost exhilarating. “She Roxx” launches proceedings with power chords and hooks aplenty, and an abundance of tongue-in-cheek humour. “Don’t Look At The Sun” calms things down, without sacrificing any appeal and “Cross-Hatched World” continues the mellow streak. “Somewhere Else” raises the stakes with its Byrdsian “Younger Than Yesterday” feel, and “My Monster” begins with what sounds like a classic John McGeoch guitar line before settling down. We’re not quite finished yet. “Hey Dad” is a poignant look at the loss of a parent, which hits doubly hard thanks to an acoustic setting and a straight-talking vocal, mixed high. It might just be the albums stand out moment. www.sidebmusic.com
Rob F.
Past Reviews: March 07, April 07, May 07, June/July 07, Sept/Oct 07, Dec07, Jan08, Feb 08, Mar 08