Cloud - The Hökarängen Space Program (Exceptional Blue Records)
Cloud is Alexander Berg, a Swedish twenty-something producer who has garnered acclaim from the likes of Jimpster, Tom Middleton and Prins Thomas. Sitting somewhere in between techno and house, 'The Hökarängen Space Program' takes in many influences, from dubstep to pop to electro, but never in a contrived manner.
From the opening chugging tech of 'The Grid', we can see that Berg is a quality producer. And it's a quality level in the main retained. 'Innocence' uses moody vocals and is dark and brooding, whereas 'All Over' takes a leaf out of Luke Vibert's Kerrier District project's book, but has slightly pop leaning vocals creating a good blend. The futuristic spacious background of 'What You Want' is remixed by Juju and Jordash, and sounds akin to Luke Slater's Seventh Plain moniker.
The only real down point is 'Snakes And Diamonds', which has a more sterile Euro feel to it, but this is no major nadir, and the almost obligatory downtempo cut at the end, which is present, is tantalising. It's called but 'Jupiter Drift' and is possibly the strongest track on here, its simplicity being its strength.
Berg's star is definitely rising, the utilisation of his various influences keeps this LP fresh, without becoming overly experimental. This is thoughtfully crafted electronic dance music. Highly recommended.
SJS Review originally published by CMU Music Network: www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk