
Vaus – The Floating Celebration (Night World)
The Floating Celebration certainly hits the ground running. Opening track “Teraphim” is wholly reminiscent of John Cale propelled Velvets, which is promptly followed by “Felicity’s Shell”, which adds a complimentary Scott Walker / Julian Cope chamber pop element – most agreeable. Vaus is in fact one Lyn Vaus, a Washington DC native who supplies the album’s songs, music, vocals and guitars, though he’s ably abetted by his band, most notably multi-instrumentalist Philip Stevenson, who appears to be one of those annoying chaps who can make music from anything that’s put in front of him. In this case: keyboards, classical guitar, omnichord (?), glockenspiel, lap steel, etc. He also produces.
After it’s solid start, The Floating Celebration builds and progresses impressively, managing to pull off ‘psychedelic-yet-accessible’, which is no mean feat, and draws a comparison to latter-day Flaming Lips. I’d certainly recommend further investigation, and an ideal start might be to check out the video directly below.
Simon M.