
Pama International - Love Filled Dub Band (Rockers Revolt)
Forget the Beach Boys and their pseudo-surfer ilk, for most discerning sun-lovers it is the endless stream of life-affirming dancehall hits that poured out of Jamaica throughout the sixties and seventies that stand as the only true soundtrack to summer. From Ska to Roots to Dub it seemed then that the songwriting talent, flawless playing and visionary production skills of Caribbean musicians, like the West Indian cricket team of the eighties, just couldn’t be beaten. In the event of course it all descended into a hellish mess of cocaine, murder, homophobia, and some of the most dreadful music the human ear has ever had to endure. For those who still mourn its passing, however, this playful romp through the diverse styles of that golden age should jog a few memories and provide a not inconsiderable entertainment in its own right. It’s no coincidence that among the core trio of Pama Intl. is Specials guitarist/vocalist Lynval Golding (found here writing songs for the first time since his former band’s heyday), joined by singer Finny, keyboard/bass player Sean Flowerdew, and a long list of sidemen including both Rico Rodriguez and Horace Panter. The stellar cast of guests that featured on their previous outing for Trojan is stood down for now but the unmistakable influence of the likes of Dennis Alcapone and Dave and Ansell Collins remains, alongside distinct echoes of The Pioneers, Bob Marley, King Tubby and others. Producer John Collins (“Ghost Town”) unites the whole collection (including the Dexy’s / Stax closing blast) with a subtle dub mix that helps pull off the canny trick of emphasizing the pure pop pleasure of the album while still allowing some “worthy” messages to be addressed through the lyrics. www.pamainternational.co.uk
Neil B.