
A Camp - Colonia (Reveal)
The long-awaited follow-up to their 2001 self-titled debut, A Camp - led by Cardigans frontwoman, Nina Persson with friend and countryman Niclas Frisk, and hubby Nathan Larson - have come up with a delirious collection of 70s inspired classic pop. Think ABBA, think Carpenters, think Kate Bush, but tempered with their own quirky, new, new wave take on the proceedings. Opening cut “The Crowning” sets the tone with it’s epic pop attack. Majestically arranged and in turn reminding the listener of the soft rock stylings of Bread and the wit and genius of pre-homicidal Phil Spector. The instant appeal of “My America” is down to the trio’s keenness for the less obvious lyric and pure starry-eyed glamour. Hopefully album number three wont take so long. www.reveal-records.com
Rob F.