
The Volt Per Octaves - Via Human Error (Independent)
I don’t know about you, but I’m of the opinion that the sudden return of synthesisers to pop music is very welcome. I loved all that stuff first time ‘round - Fad Gadget, Numan, Human League, Thomas Leer - they were all stars of my very early ‘80s record collection. It sounded like the future, and that’s where we were all going. How were we to know that the majority of these bands / artists were to become precursors for the New Romantics, and our brave new world would be dominated by asexual ladymen in puffy shirts and tartan trews, pillaging Boots make-up counter for special offers on eyeliner. I opted out. I don’t know what Nick and Anna Montoya (the husband and wife team behind TVPO) grew up listening to, but somewhere along the way they grew to love the Moog Synthesiser. Of the new bands I’ve heard, they’re certainly one of the most interesting. Less inclined to pop, and almost wholly instrumental - daughter Eva provides vocals on the charming “Evatronic” - they instead allow old school atmosphere and effects to take centre stage. Less committed to getting feet moving than most of their contemporaries, they hark back to the early years of electronica, when the music was truly thrilling for everyone involved. If names like the ones mentioned above, or Kraftwerk or Yellow Magic Orchestra, still provide thrills then wander over to their MySpace page where, at the time of writing, four of the six tracks from this excellent EP can be heard.
Rob F.
The Volt Per Octaves - Berniesphere
Fad Gadget - Ricky’s Hand
Thomas Leer - Private Plane
Tubeway Army - Are ‘Friends’ Electric? (OGWT 1979)
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Technopolis / Rydeen