
The Soundcarriers - Harmonium (Melodic)
The Soundcarriers have used their fascination with easy-listening and lounge music, flower-power of the late 60’s and grooviness of the early 70’s as a starting point. The advantage of hindsight serves to concentrate and evolve the highlights and concepts to concoct a debut of their own brand of infectious, evocative, harmony heavy sunshine pop that deserves more than the mere labelling of “pastiche” or “parody”. Soundcarriers could perhaps draw comparisons with other artists that have absorbed similar influences: The Cardigans, The Concretes, latter-day Stereolab and early Broadcast, which is no bad place to be. Key motifs are the David Axelrod-laced jazzy drums (“Time Will Come” and “Without Sound”), low key psychedelic effects (“Been Out To Sea”, “Uncertain” and “Cannonball” - Adderley homage assumed) light and breathy vocals and out-and-out pop (bah, bah, bah of “Caught By The Sun”). The obsessively detailed production is lavish and cordial.
The Free Design’s Chris Dedrick has written sleeve notes for the vinyl album which adds credibility and he acknowledges that “it takes a certain inner strength to pit flutes and quiet voices against drums and electronic and the rest of the world”. At over an hour, although it doesn’t outstay its welcome, “Harmonium” may have benefited by shortening some of the extended jams, part 2’s and reprises. Given the right exposure it has enough gentle cool and easy funk to stand it in good stead to be album of the summer for many a hipster - it sows a 60s seed and germinates into a sonic flower groove.