
Bob Bucher – Solo (Independent)
Born in Philadelphia, PA, but now resident on the Normandy coast, Bob Bucher is taking advantage of modern technology to get his music out into the world. His self-contained singer-songwriter approach is ideally suited to a life in the French countryside, where finding band-mates, studios and a producer can be troublesome, to say the least, but one man with a guitar, a bag of songs and a computer can make music and (hopefully) find an audience.
His comfortable pop style should make friends easily enough. Bucher has a voice that’s easy to like and his songs are guaranteed to induce a smile or two. “Hey Old Friend” has got a nice ‘70s feel to it and he nails the high notes. “Old Fashioned Coffee House Blues” is just that, a gentle shuffle with plenty of natural, noble vibes spilling out. There’s no scarcity of uplifting tunes and honest-to-goodness sentiment on “Solo”, and there’s only one track where he’s not wholly convincing. On “Nashville 144” he claims he wishes was back in the country music capital, but we know he doesn’t mean it. It ever a man sounded happy in his surroundings, it’s Bob Bucher.
Simon M.