
Vic Godard and Subway Sect – We Come As Aliens (Overground)
An album of songs that have been around for almost a decade, Vic Godard maybe many things (ace songwriter, punk legend, indie inspiration, postman, secret soul singer, etc.) but a prolific record maker he is not. Fortunately when he does find the time and / or inspiration to go into a studio, the results are always worth waiting for. We Come As Aliens, his first long-player since 2002, lives up to expectations. Over the years, Godard under various guises has explored a number of styles and genres. Now recording again under the Subway Sect moniker, he’s revisiting his late ‘70s origins with a record that might best be described as lo-fi quirky pop punk, but with more wit and wisdom than just about any other lo-fi quirky pop punk band you care to mention – I’ll leave you to think of some. Gawd knows when another album’s going to appear from Vic Godard, so the best thing to do is grab a copy of this one while it’s still hot, and give it a damn good cherishing.
Rob F.