
Opsvik and Jennings - A Dream I Used To Remember (Loyal)
The third full-length release from Opsvik and Jennings sees the outfit evolve from their earlier electronica and software realised works to compositions which adopt a more cohesive band approach. Equal consideration has been given to a wide source of experimental electronica, jazz, chorals, country and folk music influences. There appears to room for them all to co-exist and feed from each other and the result is an opulent and imaginative, electronically backed instrumental acoustic album, full of pleasing, intelligent melodies. Although alternative in intent it is the wash of pop sensibility which reigns heaviest, meaning that tracks that you wouldn’t like in theory, such as the horn heavy country fuelled “Steam and Bells” or the banjo balladry of “Windswept” are in fact eager to please the ears of all who’ll listen. The touches of choir give the only opportunity for near comparison, and that being Sigor Ros. “A Dream I Used to Remember” an attestation to the way the best music lacks singular genre categorisation.