
Nic Dawson Kelly Old Valentine (The Running Club)
Born in Sheffield, now residing in Brighton, Nic Dawson Kelly possesses a voice that might just be unique. Resting somewhere between Bryan Ferry’s fruity croon and Antony Hegarty’s wobbly vulnerability, it wont appeal to everyone, but to those of us who are smitten, we’ve been smitten good and proper. The fact that he’s wrapping his inimitable pipes around broken blues just adds to the appeal. This is no flashy Brit-blues or Canvey-inspired maximum R&B, but something far more restrained, where the lead instruments are Kelly’s voice and harmonica. I’m not sure words like ‘honesty’ or ‘authenticity’ genuinely belong in pop music, but Kelly’s way with words and presentation certainly come across as natural and unforced. Highlights are plentiful the title track and ”The Musician” instantly spring to mind, but for best results, settle down and listen to the whole shebang. I’m looking forward to seeing him in a venue near me, sooner rather than later. Thanks.
Rob F.
Nic Dawson Kelly The Musician