
FoxFire - Early Rising (Independent)
FoxFire is a stoner band with female vocals. There, I said it. I got it out the way. It’s going to be hard for some of you to listen to them. Stoner rock, well that and pretty much every other rock genre, is hairy and big balled. Why? Heavy bass lines tend to be better complimented by a heavy voice, which men do well. But the line up for Early Rising excites me. Two girls and a guy. And the other girl plays drums! Holy shit! They better be good, I hear you cry. Well they are. As heavy as any, thundering bass lines and riffs to take your clothes off to, although I feel that another guitarist may give them a deeper sound. Hey ho. “Wicked”, purely instrumental, is where the band shows their ilk. A nod to predecessors like Kyuss and Nebula, it’s sweet enough to make you sit back and chill to the groove whilst you grab a breather to absorb the band musically. Others like “God Honey” sound angry, and they mean business with the mature intro to “Haggard”. I’d like to see them live, hoping they’d go a little crazy on stage. This isn’t ‘stoner for girls’, so don’t dismiss. www.foxfirerocks.com
Sally J.