
Dark Captain - Dead Legs & Alibis (Loaf Recordings)
Dark Captain, who were previously called Dark Captain Light Captain, make music that is open, joyous, and with an elegance that immediately appeals. There’s something about this band that makes me want to climb out on my roof and shout out their name. Another part of me tells me not to shout, but to sing out, in hushed tones, because that’s more akin to the music they’re making. Dark Captain never shout, but have a tender style about them, a universal musical approach that suggests as much an American influence as British, despite their East London origins. They are making music light years away from the current trend of most new UK indie bands, and because they don’t appear to be shackled by the 'need to succeed' irons, their sonic assault is more a gentle pat, as it washes through the speakers in measured, tranquil tones, with male vocals caressing the lyrics a la Neil Halstead, which is no bad thing in my book.
They have a slightly rockier side, best summed up by "80000 Reasons" a song on which they push up the pace, with the percussion edging towards a gallop, but avoiding a charge for the winning post. An array of background instruments cushions the harmony vocals. The following "Strange Journeys Home" is a fine example of their lingering side, where the keyboard notes gently shower down around the voice of Dan Carney, who’s been listening to a mix of Fleetwood Mac (circa Rumours) and early CSN, maybe. Both tracks, like the other eight, are a pure and marvelous delight. I don’t have a favourite because I adore them all, period. It really is lovely stuff, and I can't recommend it highly enough. Go buy a copy immediately!
Kev A.