
Water Tower Bucket Boys - Where The Crow Don't Fly (Independent)
Homemade, down-home, honky-tonk; three words or phrases that I’ll normally choke on just saying them - let alone listening to free-flowing banjos and the like. Here they tell just a part rather than a whole truth, as there’s more to this than first meets the ears. As much as I didn’t like the title track (the first song here), I didn’t dislike it as much as I disliked "Walkin' The Road", which I disliked an awful lot. I almost decided to go no further, adopt a quit-while-I’m-way-behind approach, if you like.
'Now c'mon, you know better that that' I said to myself, so it kept on playing, and I disliked "Pilgrim Song" a little less, especially as the mandolin playing is superb. "Easy Way Out" threw me back to dislike mode, though, then along came the closing track "R Song" (a clever title if it wasn’t so obvious), and my loathing drained away, as this dark lament about a couple, with the devil doing his fiendish best to rip them apart (I think), has a black charm, and more than a sniff of folk noir about it.
And on playing the whole five-song EP again I have to admit to not disliking any of it that much after all. It is, at the very least, disarmingly honest. Let me be honest too - I really should have known what to expect from a band called Water Tower Bucket Boys, shouldn't I? At least the banjo playing was kept in check, and like the rest of the instruments used by these young, but fairly seasoned professionals, it all fitted the songs pretty well. All in all not for me (except that final number), but it could be just what you’re looking for.
Kev A.