
Au Revoir Simone - Still Night, Still Light (Moshi Moshi)
Ah, Brooklyn. For a good few years now it seems that your shores have spawned uncountable bands with a synth under their arm and an extreme desire to experiment. Magazines are reaching straining point with the mention of the place; with all this boom, are we not heading towards a bust? If Au Revoir Simone are anything to go by, not quite yet. They've stayed strong in the underground spotlight focussed on Brooklyn since their inception in 2003, and with album number three, it looks like they could break from their "Brooklyn Band" connotations. That's not to say that this album is a compromise of their ideals: The synths are muted, the melodies are subtle and the singing is as beautifully fragile as ever. A perfect example of this is the faded, canonic vocals which permeate 'All Or Nothing'. Further excitement comes in the singalong chorus of 'Knight Of Wand', which brands legato synth melodies to your mind. There's also their moments of respite, such as 'We Are Here' and 'Take Me As I Am', which relax better than any Brooklyn experimentation has previously managed. It seems the world is now ready for Au Revoir Simone - primed by the successes of epic synthsters School Of Seven Bells, and the dirtier electronics of Telepathe, female-fronting electronics is the new new black. For those who always require some mania, this won't suit. But for us who like to swing the feet up with a good read, Au Revoir Simone make the perfect backdrop.
Review originally published by CMU Music Network www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk