
SexKitchenLoveCooks - Original Recipe (Klassic)
The modern world is lovely. Technology means that you can take a snapshot of each moment of the day, no matter how tedious, how humdrum. Original Recipe is just such a snapshot of a nascent college band in 2009, a musical tweet, available in the far flung suburbs of Sheffield, where I write, just as it is all over the world. Jam sessions and those first few gigs can lead to a fully fledged CD in no time at all, and like Polaroid’s of old, they soon become faded memories of a time when all seemed so bright.. One day you might find Original recipe on the collectors only list, if The Cooks manage to pull a singular flavour from this melange. SexKitchenLoveCooks are a collection of young songwriters finding their sound, testing their mettle, sipping from a little Chilli Peppers and soft rock candy. Is this really an Original Recipe? The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
Carl J.