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The Wow Signal - Infinity’s Lobby (Wow)
An American, an Italian, a Ukrainian and an Australian walk into a London pub. Instead of a very funny joke, involving national stereotypes and ribcage damage, they formed a band. A big, dark, wiggy, psychedelic, smash and grab of a band, with an American singer who knows his Bowie from his Ferry (and lifts accordingly), and an Italian guitarist in love with Keith Richards’ demonic swagger. They called themselves The Wow Signal, and so far, so good. Their debut, Infinity’s Lobby, is all about their influences and they pull it off in style. Opener “Purr Right” does just that, though we’re talking the king of the jungle here, rather than the neighbourhood puss. The title track begins with a nasty piece of feedback, before settling into urgently strummed electric guitars and Andrew Mangold’s well mannered street-glam vocal. Get past that peculiarity, and you’ve a record which is no masterpiece, but is feisty and raw enough to please most rock ‘n’ rollers of wealth and taste.
Rob F.
