
The Rakes - Klang (Universal / V2)
Where have The Rakes been? Possibly not the question on everyone's lips but nevertheless, the answer: Planet Roc Studios in Berlin to record the follow up to their 2007 debut, 'Ten New Messages'. Back then they were almost a blueprint for what an indie band of the time should sound like, but a lot's happened since then - it appears the nation has grown rather fond of synths, bright colours and frontwomen. Not things The Rakes would generally be associated with. However, with that album title, 'Klang', possibly influenced by Kraftwerk's studio name, Kling Klang, could they be moving in the right direction? Well, frontman Alan Donohoe sounds more like David Bowie than ever, which is a good thing, and the lyrics are kitchen sink clever - about smoking outside, about flatmates, and a plea to a girl not to let him stay the night (although she possibly didn't ask him in the first place). The addition of synths is welcome in the band's sound, and the chorus of stand-out track 'That's The Reason' is pretty damn catchy. That said, the influences remain the same as before - Bowie, Gang Of Four and a hint of The Smiths - and in the end the album is simply instantly forgettable, over-intelligent, throwaway indie pop. If you didn't care about The Rakes before, there's nothing in here to make you start now.
Review originally published by CMU Music Network www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk