
Jasper Sloan Yip – Every Day And All At Once (Independent)
Here’s the best advice I can offer with regard to this music:
1) Get over the name.
2) Get over the (occasionally) rather effete / warbly vocals.
3) More darn Canadians! (Kidding, just kidding!)
If you are unable to do this, and I have been guilty countless times in the past myself, you will miss out on a very enjoyable experience. What is on offer here are breezy vocals, astute and dynamic playing, a good mix of tempo, and fine tunes.
Having said all this there is one drawback to the proceedings, and that is the lack of a genuine highpoint. Not that it all sounds the same, in fact far from it. However, nothing rises above the level of ‘pretty good’, so you have no tangible focus to help you repeat the pleasure of listening to it again, and again.
For all that, this is a fine sophomore album, and it is worth remembering the name (how might you forget?) as J S Yip is definitely one for the future.
Kev A.