
The Delfields - Ogres (Independent)
From New Jersey, The Delfields refer back to several decades for their indie-pop method. The ‘60s, of course, have provided inspiration for many contemporary bands and The Delfields have taken the wispish qualities of first wave psychedelic pop and have fused it with post-punk tolerance and C86 tunes. The result: Beach Boys bedroom pop - Brian’s hogging the duvet, Mike’s changing his sheets (again) and Dennis has found the matches. Cutting edge it isn’t, though its attractions are many. They know their way around a ramshackle tune, building up the layers like JAMC-lite, and always understating the vocals. It’s lo-fi, but charmingly so. A back to basics recreation of the Elephant 6 blueprint of fuzzy, sonic pop. They’re certainly not concerned about colliding influences. The Central African guitar lines/loops of opening cut “A Slippery Slope” merge effortlessly with a pristine Western melody, and the vocal complexities of “Francine” would seem bereft without the galloping rhythm and pawn shop electronica employed. Too short at 26:26 - a very good start, nonetheless.
Rob F.