
Tiny Masters Of Today - Skeletons (EMI/Mute)
One of the only names that yes, you CAN let fool you, Tiny Masters Of Today are, indeed, quite tiny - fifteen and thirteen years old, to be exact. And this is their second album. This brother and sister team started writing songs together when they were eight and ten, releasing their debut single a year later, so they're almost old pros now. But are they any good, or is this a novelty act that's gone on too long? Well, having continued to cement their position on the Brooklyn indie scene since the release of their first album in 2007, and having adopted MisShapes' Garth Algar lookalike and super-cute Jackson Pollis as their touring drummer, TMOT are growing into their shoes quite nicely. And I can only see them continue to do so as they grow older. They have a sound similar to defunct Nashville garage-rock outfit Be Your Own Pet - the lyrics aren't exactly profound, and they're not going to change the world with them, but who cares when the sound of the music is this fun and energetic? And while there's still something a little bit sinister about listening to a couple of kids play their guitars better than I can, 'Skeletons' is actually a pretty catchy record with a few good, solid tracks on it. From the scuzzy, sweet 'Real Good' to the very cool sound of 'Big Bass Drum', this album certainly has a focus and is not as all-over-the-place as one might imagine.
Review originally published by CMU Music Network www.cmumusicnetwork.co.uk