
Richard Shindell - Not Far Now (Signature Sounds)
Now resident in Argentina, he has been for some years, New Jersey born singer-songwriter Richard Shindell remains at heart an old school storyteller with plenty to share. Not Far Now, his first long player for five years, revisits his long-time fascination with working-class America, and develops upon his relationship with his current home. “Mariana’s Table” brings his South American experience into focus, as does “Balloon Man” - both dealing with real or imagined people who occupy his immediate world, and both looking at the smaller, more personal picture, a characteristic which has always dominated Shindell’s work. Though he never strays to far from his own roots, with a collection of narrative songs which deal with the plight of the American poor and disenfranchised, covering hard-hitting topics like crime and addiction (songwriter’s gold), while also finding room for a sterling version of the late Dave Carter’s “The Mountain”. He’s currently playing a few UK and Irish dates - try and see him if you can.
Rob F.