
Todd Snider - The Excitement Plan (Continental Song City)
Todd Snider maybe a regular on the Americana charts, but lyrically, he’s always had more in common with Randy Newman than Ryan Adams. Although his dry wit must have been in danger of deserting him on his latest, The Excitement Plan, a collection of underdog anthems which reflect the current state of the world; in East Nashville, anyhow. Fortunately the witticisms remain intact, a useful shield in these troubled times, and Snider is certainly sensitive to what goes on around him. He’s equally receptive to a little self reflection on “Greencastle Blues” and his cover of “Corpus Christi Bay” carries all the weight this alcoholic's lament deserves. Produced by Don Was and with a band in tow that includes Jim Keltner and Gary Liesz, The Excitement Plan sounds great throughout. Add Snider’s laconic delivery and sharp as a tack lyricism, the result is a record which should keep him on the top of those Americana charts.
Rob F.