
Jack and the Knives - 5 (Independent)
Driven by an urge to deliver their punches with velocity, Leicester’s Jack and the Knives come storming out of the trap with their debut CD-r. Informed by ‘60s garage rock’s stylings and lyricism, and adopting the DIY dynamic of punk, the Knives set the scene, act the act and close the curtains on 6 tracks in under 13 minutes. Though not restricted by the cost prohibitive retakes of their ‘60’s predecessors, minor imperfections and unfulfilled screams are left in the mix, which serve to humanise and add to the overall primitivism and immediacy of the recordings: refreshing in an age when near perfection can be achieved at next to no cost. The no frills approach charges through themes of love, loss and heartbreak by way of dirty three chord wonders (“Four letter Word”), 13th Floor Elevators / Sonics squealing, fuzzed-out vamps and a speedy surf instrumental (“Do The Shank”): a stab at starting the next “new” dance craze? Closes with a sleazy cover of the Link Wray number, “Jack The Ripper”. Catch these boys live - but don’t be late they don’t hang around.