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Thomas White - I Dream of Black (Drift Records)
As if Thomas White didn't have enough going on with Electric Soft Parade, Brakes, Restlesslist and the rest of the Brighton scene, he has now joined the Devon-based Drift Collective and is set to release this, his debut solo album. Recorded at home on a four track tape machine, with White playing all the instruments himself, this is a lo-fi record described by the man himself as an idea of what ESP's demos might sound like. 'I Dream Of Black' contains several snippets, slightly unformed songs which befit the scratchy home recording style of the whole. It's rewarding in parts, not least the incendiary, swirling My Bloody Valentine-esque 'The Runaround', which is possibly the most impressive and innovative thing on offer and makes you wonder how White would get on with the kind of time and money Kevin Shields had to record 'Loveless'. As it is we can enjoy another album from a prolific artist showing an admirable do-it-yourself ethos.
Ian M.

Review originally published by CMU Music Network
