
Coin Opera - What Went Wrong With The Right (Umbrella Etiquette)
There’s a moment about halfway through “The Kids Are Not Alright”, the second track on What Went Wrong With The Right, where everything seems to fall apart. Then, just as we’re about to pack up and go home, Coin Opera man, P. Blue Zusman (with various helpers), pulls it all back together, and the song concludes just as it was meant to all along. It’s a clever device and provides a little extra tension and excitement on an album which is mostly subtle and understated. Hushed vocals add to the atmosphere of shadows and half heard conversations. Anything plainer would sound like an intrusion. There’s some personal stuff going on here - y’know, relationships and their various effects on the male psyche - and although there’s a lyric sheet provided, I’m not sure we’re meant to read it. It’s an impressive debut which gets better with repeated spins, and given the exposure, there’s definitely enough to it for inclusion on year end lists come December. Now all it’s got to do is get out there. www.coinopera.com
Rob F.