
Darren Hayman & The Secondary Modern - Pram Town (Track & Field)
Ever since Hefner bit the dust, Darren Hayman has been, from all possible angles, cataloguing the woes of a disintegrating Britain. Now it’s the turn of New Town hell, in particular Harlow. He’s not a fan. I’ve been there, and there’s no reason why he should be. Xeroxed red brick town centres and the specific kinds of urban decay that only New Town’s can truly master, all come under Hayman’s critical eye, and apart from a hidden soft spot for cycle paths, not much impresses. Unlike Pram Town itself, with its eclectic instrumentation - old Moogs, toy joannas, etc. - and thoroughly appealing lo-fi aesthetics, it’ll put a smile on your face. Unless you live in Harlow. www.trackandfield.org.uk
Rob F.